2nd Sat Strollers

By AndrewDBurns

Snow Moon - into the great night

This is my fairly poor i-phone snap of tonight's "Snow Moon" ...

... much better, is this Kay Byer poem:

Full Moon

Full moon says I am
over the pinebreak, says give me
your empty glass, pour
all you want, drink, look
out through your windows of ice,
through the eyes of your needles
observe how I climb, lay aside
what you weave on your looms

and see clouds fall away
like cold silk from your shoulders,
be quiet, hear the owl coming back
to the hayloft, shake loose
your long braids and rise up
from your beds, open
windows and curtains, let light
pour like water upon your heads,

all of you women who wait, raise
the shades, throw the shutters
wide, lean from your window ledge
into the great night that beckons
you, smile back at me
and so quietly nobody can hear you
but you, whisper, "Here am I."


Kathryn Stripling Byer (1944 - )


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