
By Mindseye

Almost Spring like ..........

but with a chill factor :-)

Not that I am complaining, beautifully crisp and sunny walk down to town........newspaper, beechams capsules, grass seed and a cappuccino each before walking back in the sunshine :-)

I was hoping to blip the horses, had they been back in their field......but it's still way to boggy under hoof and hardly any grass to be seen :-( (not what our grass seed is intended for ;-)
So instead I took a few shots as we walked through the wooded area on our way back.
I like how this spring blossom shines out of this image ( you can see what I mean if you go big)..........we just need another 10degrees then it will feel springlike :-)

I'm posting early as our Hairdresser is due shortly, then we are off out for a meal this evening with friends, who we don't get chance to see that often, pity I'm still full of cold.....and hubs developed a cold sore. Isn't it always the way when you've been looking forward to something........hope we are ok for weekend. Family meal out for hubs birthday :-/

Enjoy the sunshine this week folks :-)

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