Wherever next?

By aime

Boating on the Hawksbury river

Keen to spend a day in his boat, Iain offered to show us the Hawksbury river. Keen to spend a day in his boat, I accepted. Margie, Bob and Denise were less enthusiastic but came along to keep the boat balanced. Jocinta had other things that needed done more urgently, she said. Chelsea and Cooper were keen and came along  to do the mooring thing and perform general cabin person duties. Fun was had by all. Except by Denise, who probably won’t be back in that boat. Ever.

We motored down and up the river and saw the real natives at play. We dodged the water skiers and waved to the beautiful people around their barbecues on their multi million dollar properties that backed on to the river. We had seen enough by the time we got to Wiseman’s Ferry, so we ducked in to the local Bowling Club for a drink and another seafood basket. And later, for tea, yes, we had the steaks we had won at the previous night’s raffle. What goes around comes around.

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