In a Big Boy Chair

As it is half term baby yoga wasn't on this morning so a group of us decided it would be nice to get together anyway and so we descended on Marino Lounge 6 mums, 6 babies and 2 big boys took over the place. It was a lovely morning (although they were a little slow with the coffee's). I think coffee with a gossip is going to be a regular thing after yoga from now on. Alf even sat in a highchair for the first time, although we had to wedge him in with blankets and coats. The rest of the yoga mummies went for a walk but I had a pressing matter to attend to and that was cuddles with the little miss Owen's Lindsay's newest arrival and she is just perfect. It was lovely to see the Beb High ladies although Nia was noticeably absent but I am sure I will see her soon.   

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