Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

One funeral, two wakes

Said goodbye to Aged P today. Thought I was all cried out but blubbed like a baby. We did her proud with our own family led service and the mother of all afternoon teas. Then hacked back around the M25 and went to the local pub for a second wake. This was the serious one. Lots of alcohol and a bit of decent grub to hold the hangover in check. I could write at length but there is no need. We all hold the unsaid words in our hearts . 

But one thing does stick in the memory. We drove home after dark and saw a low fat moon, orange against a black and starlit sky. I remembered reading about it somewhere: full moon in Virgo, my starsign. 

Days like today you can believe that, despite all the evil in the world, there is something good to strive for, believe in and hold true to. My dear old mum embodied it and the moon held it up for us to see. And we celebrated twice over, because she was worth it.

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