Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

When the wind blew

Storm Doris hit the house in the early hours big time and this morning the rain lashed the conservatory glass as TSM and I tried to work side by side in the dining room. The cats sat with ears at attention, bolting in and out of the cat flap between squalls and gusts, occasionally deceived by a bit of sunshine that enticed them out then blew them back in again.

TSM was mostly out at meetings; I went to see the hygienist for an hour in the middle of the afternoon. She apologised for being late but said she had cycled to work and nearly got blown off her bike at every corner. "It was terrible" she said "I felt like I was a cartoon character pedalling into the wind and just standing comically still". She gave me her usual mauling. I sometimes wonder why I pay a lot of money every three months to have the dental equivalent of Miss Whiplash pinning me into a chair. She gets a lot more fun out of it than I do. Reminded me of the Steve Buscemi line in Armageddon: "Didn't I meet you in Helga's House of Pain?"

I got a lot done. I always do working from home. In the evening TSM cooked a wicked satay dish. But the time just flew by today and before I knew it I was looking at the clock and thinking of bedtime.

Monty didn't like it today. Much too windy for him. HIs one trip outside saw his fur stand on end like a feather duster in a wind tunnel. He was much happier on the settee ...

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