X Factor Does Bowie. x

After a nice morning with my BabyBoy before he left for his epic journey back to Newquay, Mr W and I headed off to Brighton to see the X Factor tour!!! Yep....I did say the X Factor Tour!!!

I bought tickets for Mr W for Christmas as he was well into it last year until Reggie and Bollie reached the final!!! He wasnt keen on them, but give them their Due, they were very good and stole the show really!

Actually the whole show was fantastic. Far better than we were expecting, Mason Noise and Sean Miley Moore in particular. But Im sad to say the actual winner - Louisa Johnson was very disappointing. She was boring, shrill, stiff and lacked personality. Shame really as she was left until last!

And it turned out Mr W's brother and his wife was 2 rows behind us!!!! What are the chances! 

Sorry for the back blip but we didnt get home until nearly midnight and my battery was dead from taking so many pictures!!!

My blip is of Sean doing a Bowie tribute song with lots of lights swaying in the audience. It was a beautiful song and actually bought a bit of a tear to my eye. x

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