
By LadyPride

Meet the manager

Bit of a nothing day as I recovered in the shade with my paracetamol and icepack. What a loser!

Felt steadily better as the hours ticked on though and reassured that I wasn't going to die of a head injury on holiday drama queen that I am!

There was a 'meet the manager party' at our resort in the evening which we would normally have swerved but Squidge watched it being set up from our balcony on the amphitheatre below and she was mesmerised by "the ball" as she called it.

She dressed up with "clips in my hair like my friend Grace" in her most voluminous party dress and sparkly shoes. I whacked my greasy hair up best I could (coated in anti-inflammatory cream - good look!) and popped a dress and heels on. We sipped non alcoholic cocktails and listened to a live female singer. Squidge and her Dad twirled to the music and it cheered me up loads!

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