Abstract Thursday: the garden

Another beautiful crisp sunny morning, it got really warm and bright in the conservatory I had to move to look at the photos on my iPad to process them. I went out in the garden and there a more signs of spring and of course the cat had been rooting again in the pot. I've put some orange peel in it now. I've been told Lion poo is a good deterrent,mI will have to buy off the internet. I went out and took some photos and decided to take this of the willow through the back of the bench. The extra is a part of my garden that is springing into life.
Had a lovely reading session and the support worker seemed to enjoy it too. She told me the head of the school said that she was getting more than her money's worth with me, due to my experience etc. It felt really good to know I was valued. The other great thing is the children have already started to make progress just shows what an hour a week can do.

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