A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Little and Large

This is Albi's new pal Ralf. He is a schnoodle (schnauzer poodle cross). It is extraordinary to me that poodles seem to have become the studs of the dog world. Anyway Ralf's excuse for being tiny is that he is about 15 weeks old. Well that's his current excuse. And yes there are eyes in there somewhere. I checked.

A quite preposterously busy day of work and home stuff including a first attempt at sort of tuning a double bass, and taking Anna to the dentist. Poor child has to have another extraction. This time to evict a recalcitrant baby tooth refusing to leave and make room for the permanent one starting to come through. At least this one will only be a local anaesthetic and we are booked in for next week so not too long a wait.

J continues on track with his 34th oxygen session today.

And now we are going to unwind with some harrowing crime drama ironically named Happy Valley.

Lesley x

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