
By Croft16

Last posts..

..snow showers through the day, but nothing settling. Spent the morning bottling beer. Sterilise this bucket, pour into another, siphon, wash bottles, rinse, prime, siphon beer to bottles, cap, tidy up.. Takes a lot longer by yourself..

Then down to the beach with Tanni. A good swim to wash off yesterdays mud. A run in N's park to dry off (but it was rain/sleeting at the time!).

Dig parsnips, and back up to the house to wash and weigh. Sort some Oca, and harvest some salad.. And then deliver..

Home and cooked a lasagne (home made with my own ragu sauce), and very good it was to..

Soil from the foreground trench thrown onto the tunnel site. Back filling with stone, and a bit of wall building. Now ready to erect the hoops, so I'll sort them all out over the next two days, putting all the parts and fixings in place. Arranged for M to come on Sunday morning to help me lift and fit them in place.. Getting exciting now..

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