More alphabet

So Sebastien seems to be nearing an obsession stage now with the alphabet. He's still playing with the alphabet puzzle, but he spent part of today finding new words that began with several of his favorite letters. As in, "m" is for moon, mommy, and maman. He even was a bit taken aback when he tried to say Cider started with an "s" like Sebastien and I said it was a "c." Ah, the intricacies of the English language. Not easy, little one.

Likewise, when he sat at the piano at his grandpa's this afternoon, he started plunking random notes and singing what he knows of the ABC song...which turns out to be a good three quarters of it.

At dinnertime, he also started saying "I love you, mommy" and "I love you, daddy" (as well as "I love you, food" which made perfect sense to me). Rick and I both kind of teared up on that one...more allergies, I'm sure.

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