
I took the big camera and the long lens out on my walk this morning.
The woodpecker, heron and two crows who are normally just out of reach of my standard lens were my main targets and the small birds (robins, tits etc) didn't stand a chance.

Actually, it was me who didn't stand a chance.

Every 'fair weather' dog walker and their brother were out with their boisterous, yappy dogs and their shouted greeting to each other.

All I got was dead weed headsa single crow on an untidy branch and a very nervous blackbird high up.
As for everything else ............. nothing!

This evening there was a 40th birthday party for the wife of somebody we have known since he was born.
It was close enough to walk to (about 400 yards?) so for once I was able to have a drink or four.
The music from the disco was good but too loud for any sort of conversation. You would think that a mobile disco company which has been around for over 40 years would have learnt to read the audience and gear the volume to the size of the venue (small) to maximise the numbers on the dance floor and minimise the ear bleeding.

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