
By MCharMedia

Cleaning The Beast

So in November last year I took on the challenge of building my computer and as ludicrous as it sounds I managed to pull it off! with no hassle at all. I have watched hours on end of youtube videos on how to pull such a stunt off as I felt it would be a great thing to do and a fun (yet expensive) risk to take.

I built my PC because of cost, a pre built PC of this specification would be running me around £1000 as oppose to £500 in which I paid for all the parts. I have loved my PC ever since and you respect it so much more knowing it was partially your creation, so today was the time to dust my new borne. This PC has allowed me to tell stories through my video work and my photo work and is a key tool to all of our careers, and Blips ;)

The amount of dust that gathers on these things is incredible yet can slow your PC greatly as airflow is restricted so it will run at higher temperatures so if any of you have the time and do not do this on a regular basis I would recommend powering down now and taking to this as you will see improvements instantly.

TAKE NOTE: Before dusting your Desktop you must fully power it down, that means shutting down and unplugging from the mains as electrical current will still be going through the PC if the plug is not removed. Open your case grounding yourself before hand (touch anything else metal that is not the PC) then carefully dust, especially round any fans ensuring not to damage any electrical components then witness the speed return to normal with your PC running at a much safer and cooler rate.

Thanks for Reading
Miles Charlesworth 21:33 27/02/16

YouTube: MCharMedia (weekly movies)

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