
By MCharMedia

The Soluton to Gun Crime

Before I go onto my findings and theory id like to make you all aware this is not a real firearms and is simply an airsoft replica used only for sport and film making

So I came across this movie on youtube the other day about how gun crime could be solved and although it was a humoured movie I found it did carry a lot of truth (ill link the video below)

The article stated that the physical appearance of guns made them appeal to people and if we didn't make guns so 'Badass' people would ont be as much interested in them. A far fetched idea I can assure you. The curves if this baretta M9 9mm hand gun really do make it an attractive piece which juxtaposes to its real use in war and gun crime. I feel if guns were treated more like a tool than a work of art people would show less interest in them and therefore the thought of owning such a device would be less common. I hope you can all see sense in what I am suggesting as I feel the video has really touched the surface in how design changes could lead to a decrease in gun crime worldwide and not just America, thankfully in the Uk gun laws are very restrictive and its very rare you will be able to handle a real fire arm where we live so thanks for that greatly.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the post

Miles Charlesworth

Gun video:

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