Snow Down Under

By snowy


Life is a see saw. One day you're up & the next down. Yesterday was such a happy day, & today is one of sadness. A wretched ferret got into my hen run & killed 2 chickens, with a third on deaths door. After 8 months of constant feeding, watering, nurturing & just when they're at the point of consistent laying, this happens. What a bummer. Now to find the culprit. Can anyone lend me a gun ?

This pretty little Autumn crocus is Colchicum Agrippinum flowering in my tubs at the back of the house. Nothing spectacular but nice to have bulbs at this time of the year.

I see the International Space Station can be seen here in Wanaka at 9.55pm tonight. Shame it is so cloudy, but I'll still go out & look.

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