Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Wait for me!

Violin this morning, Will was quite distracted and hyper, despite having walked across Hitchin to get there. He did do some good stuff, but he was like it all day! Tiring. We did some jobs in town before having a coffee (he sat head in Incredible Captain Underpants) then headed home for lunch.

Carys and Daddy had made massive inroads into the homework, prepare a one minute talk about your favourite book. Choosing one book was almost harder than doing the talk, but we finally got there on Friday evening, leaving Saturday to sort the talk and plan the recycled fashion outfit.

The three of us walked back to St. Mary's for the Children's Concert. Will's violin teacher had her training choir singing and then she was playing in Peter and the Wolf. We had been warned that 500 tickets had been sold, but I was still surprised to find half of Hitchin there. Both kids enjoyed it. Will sat on my knee through out, initially bolt up right taking it all in, but then he snuggled down, told me he was tired and he was just going to relax and enjoy listening to the music.

Tiredness didn't last long after the concert. They both had take out 'cinos to get us home, but finished them before Benslow Lane, so they raced up and down the other side. Will said he was tired again at the railway line, that was when I realised he had done over 7miles of walking today, so I let him off! He went to sleep very swiftly once in bed.

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