
I slept very early last night (around 11pm) after a day's trip to Kidderminster yesterday. But before my day ended yesterday, Jasmine's mum surprised me with a pyrography of my late cat Bori. I was so gobsmacked when i saw it. It was absolute perfection! I tried not to cry in front of them but i was overwhelmed with joy when i saw it. Had to hug Jasmine's mum. I am not gonna tell my mum that i have it so that she'll be surprised when i hand it to her when i return back home in April. This is gonna be the best surprise ever! Well aside from me coming home of course. A closer look at the pyrography of my cat Bori in the Extra Photos section.

I also cooked tonight for the entire house (5 including jasmine's mum). I cooked Chicken Afritada. Although it was too sour for my taste (due to the tomato sauce that was a little bit on the sour side), the group enjoyed it and finished the dish. Since only two of us were Asians, the rice that came with the dish was not a hit. I am positive the rice i prepared would not have been enough if it were 5 Filipinos sitting on the table.

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