
By Jimblip

Micro Froggies

A really hasty blip today! Suddenly we were aware of several of these little fellas hopping around by the the pond. We had thought that they would never develop from the taddies we have known since March. However they were determined to show us just how grown up they are now, even though they measure only about 7mm across.

While we have been dodging the downpours, they have been absolutely revelling in the extra water. Some are still shaped like tadpoles, absorbing their tails and using the material to build stronger hind legs for swimming and hopping, whilst others were more advanced and capable of powerful swimming.

Complete Metamorphosis...the change in form or shape that occurs during the life cycle of some organisms. The two forms are ideally adapted to different habitats, in this case aquatic and terrestrial,.The frogs will need to return to the water eventually in order to reproduce and so are only partly terrestrialised.

Frogs can be compared with Ferns in this respect, both Plant and Animal Kingdoms having pursued parallel evolutionary pathways. The adults do not compete with offspring for food and space in both cases.

There could be several lessons here for Humans.

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