Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Liquid Energy.....

So, its nearly my day off, but until then, I'm needing a little bit of a boost to keep me ticking over on my 12 hour shifts.....
Up until a month ago, I would moan constantly about how rubbish these drinks are and how full of sugar they a days, I go through at least one full can during every shift, maybe even two, with sometimes 3 on wedding nights!!!!!!

Great night tonight service wise,, though I am very much looking forward to getting home!!!!

On a foot note also, I managed to get through the whole of Friday 13th, without a single hitch...that is until 10 minutes ago, when I dropped a tea light all down one leg of my trousers....grrrrrr...looks like a job for the cleaners......either that or I try and start a one legged new wax finish to

" These energy drinks....they give you Wings!!!!! "

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