Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

And the other pigeon said.....

So, this is my wonderful amazing pastry chef at my work....the ideas he comes up with blow my mind.....
In the foreground we have black currant curd cake, black currant curd, blueberry and nectarine sorbet and blackberry milkshake.....
Sounds yummy and dreamy....just about as dreamy as the chef making it id

This is Robert....although I spent a full week thinking he was called, to me he answers to really is a brilliant chef, and this week has even made homemade!!!!!

Just waiting on 9 guests to finish dinner then I should be free to go home!!!! be greeted by a bottle of crabbies alcoholic ginger beer I hope!!!!!

"Get to know the Chef and you will start to enjoy dining out even more."

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