Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


Another dodgy day weather wise but very social and I got lots of opportunities to meet and greet. I just love this. I do understand that folk with light coloured trousers may be not so keen but dry cleaning makes the world go round. Hmmmm?
So it was with a lack of enthusiasm that The Boss took off with ME up our normal walk and by the time we got to Edgewater the water was falling off the edge in the sky and The Boss was about to call a halt and then...out of the mist...came a lone paddler. I can remember when I was a pup that The Bossess once called me something similar.. Can't quite remember the details..Never mind Eh. Anyway The Boss's new camera went thunk thunk thunk which was a more pleasing sound than the other one but I was a bit surprised. Without a mirror I would have thought it would have gone .........silence.............. but I suppose there needs to be feedback to tell you it is working. We then hi-tailed it home just in time for the rain to stop and The Boss could spend valuable time reading how to attach the camera strap and other really important stuff like how you should NOT take anything apart, to prevent fire, flood, electrocution and armageddon. That does seem a high price to pay for fiddling.
Hey, page 4 next.

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