Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Cool Down and Photograph a TREE!

Well the weather stayed in the slightly off mode today but socially things (for The Boss) were flat out and I had a lay day meaning I just laid about the place Except for a really exciting trip to the supermarket, just after lunch (his not mine).
The Boss hates the supermarket on a day like today 'Cos the ski bunnies are all in town as the fields are not much, so they congregate at the supermarket and spend endless time gazing at the shelves hoping for divine intervention on what to eat for dinner. Some of them play the alternative game called how much booze can you fit in a supermarket trolley? BUT whatever the game the car park can be a very dangerous place as displayed by one young "lady" who, as The Boss ( with me in the back) was carefully backing out to allow the car queued next to us to get that park, this complete nutter accelerated into the gap, missing us by a hair, the adjacent car by a smidgen and stole the park. She scared the daylights out of me and The Boss had to remember how to count to 10 or manual strangulation might have been the event of the day. There is only one supermarket in Wanaka and most of the year that's fine but come white madness time The Boss's secret plan is to shop at dawn ( 8.00 am) while all the imports are going up the mountain and the shelves, having been restocked overnight, are full but The Bossess was having a milk crisis (milk goes in to Lattes) so things may have got ugly if The Boss hadn't jumped to attention and gone shopping.
It has been raining outside for the last few hours and it is way too warm so it might be unhappy bunny time tomorrow and the town will be assaulted yet again.
So...This scene is down the road into The Matukituki valley just at the turn off to Treble Cone Skifield and it was a nice way to cool down after the supermarket encounter. There was not much traffic as I think the field may have been off line.
PS We are a bit behind on comment management at the moment with social stuff instead. Catch up time tomorrow.

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