Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Polly Wants a Ride

We're settled in for our last night before flying home tomorrow morning. Our cosy abode is a classic 1974 Airstream trailer a few miles north of Palm Springs -- see extra photo.

Our host came out to greet us shortly after we arrived, and asked whether we would be comfortable if she let her dogs out. We assured her it would be OK. She didn't ask about the cockatoo, but we didn't mind that either!

The drive here was very pleasant. We took a scenic route --- mostly two-lane roads winding through the mountains, with very little traffic. There were signs warning of ice, and one sign informed us that chains might be required at any time. I think that's unlikely at this time of the year -- the highest elevation was not much higher than 4,000 feet.

The second extra photo was shot from a viewpoint on the descent to the valley floor.

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