Come into the Garden

By aprecious


"As usual, my timing is bizarrely good."
Jamie Oliver

Pud auditions for the Flock of Seagulls.

I love Pud. I love him so much that sometimes I sit on him. He loves me so much and he doesn't stop me - he sits patiently and he waits for me until I move away.

And then he goes outside through the hole in the window where I cannot fit.

AND I am sad.

But not for long. Because I am a funny puppy who has, "natural comic timing" according to aprecious. aprecious cannot believe her luck. I make her laugh every day. She says I am a lot cheaper than drugs.

Here is the the sequence of maud sitting on Pud shots on Blipfolio.

It's a beautiful day at this precise moment but I am once again at my desk. Time is tight. I have always been a grafter but I can honestly say I have never worked this hard in my life. Going back to actual work for a rest! 9 days PhD leave left. Will I manage it? Will I have a first draft?

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