Happy 80th Birthday Mum

An easier day today though I did have to go to a funeral at 1300 hrs. Came home after the church service, changed & then jumped in the car to visit Mum on her actual birthday.....it seems to have been a long time coming and we seemed to have celebrated non-stop for a week...anyhow she has enjoyed it but it has tired me out...

Tea & cake this afternoon whilst I showed her all the pictures I have taken. She was very pleased with them.

As I left I picked up yet another birthday card from the doormat...she has had 70 + cards & so-o many presents - it is incredible the people she knows. At the last count she has had 5 boxes of chocolates. !

Suzanne & Tara had gone to Bicester for some shopping & so I missed them today but they are all calling in here tomorrow. Hopefully I will be back to the decorating tomorrow.

Mild day with some rain

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