
Today's the day ............................ to read a book

As today is World Book Day 2016, I thought I would tell you about an unexpected good read that I have enjoyed recently.

It was unexpected because it was a Christmas present from my sister - so it wasn't a book that I knew about.  She had bought it because she had enjoyed it - and she knew that we were fans of Le Tour, and Geraint Thomas in particular. 

Unlike my sister who can rattle through a book in seconds, it takes me ages - mainly because I only seem to read in bed just before I fall asleep.  But I came to love the time spent with Geraint.  Behind the laugh-out-loud funny bits, he manages to give a sense of the dedication, skill and bravery that is required if you choose to enter the world of professional cycling. 

And then, of course, he's Welsh to boot ...........................

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