Other peoples' underwear

I been thinking very kindly of whoever was responsible for planting an orange-blossom bush in an area between two campus buildings that I frequent - the waft of fragrance as I pass is very refreshing. And on the way in this morning the Meles olfactory system got another great blast of scent, this time from a row of lime trees. It always makes me think I should give lime blossom tea another try, but I never find that it works the same way.

I nipped out from the plagiarism mines for a brief visit to Old Bat's retirement tea-and-buns party. She'll be much missed by colleagues, but I don't think she'll miss the job much. And it was nice to meet another blipper in person!

This evening in the hotel I bumped into some different colleagues, one from the Gateshead office. We dined together but when we asked for separate bills (we were on different accomodation tariffs, one person with dinner included, one person not staying at the hotel at all) the staff were totally discombobulated - even when we offered to list individually what we had had it was quite beyond them. After half an hour or so I made my excuses and left. (In the morning it turned out that they decided not to charge us for the meal at all....)

When I got back to my room I decided to sort out my stuff and partially pack ready for the morning. When retrieving a couple of items from the wardrobe I leaned down to check the shelves (didn't think I'd put anything in them, but thought I should look....). I glimpsed some clothing at the back of the bottom shelf and grabbed hold of it. Eeeeuw! I found myself holding a handful of someone else's underwear. And this was after they had worn it. I was so shocked that I marched it straight down to reception and dumped it on their fax machine - I wanted to get rid of it and wash my hands. If only I had had the presence of mind to blip it first!

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