creative lenna

By creativelenna

I'm back!

I heard the noise of the sandhill cranes again today, wow. Their call is very distinctive - pretty loud and unmistakable. I took a grand total of 30 seconds of video while following 2 cranes on my street! You can see them walk & listen to their strange call HERE

This is what happened. I heard their calls and went outside towards the canal/river to investigate. This time I saw 4 cranes, not 3, across the canal. But I was also hearing calls closer to me. I walked towards our front yard and saw 2 sandhill cranes walking down our street as they called! I had my camera with me and I carefully followed them. I got a few shots and then realized our neighbors dog Penny had come across the street, curious about these large birds (see above!). It really made the cranes pick up speed as you can see on the video. They continued to chatter down the street and then I caught a glimpse of the 2 cranes flying off -enough of that dog! 

I believe the other 4 cranes flew over to meet them because I saw more cranes flying . . . and it was like they were having a conversation the whole time, across the canal. "I'm here, where are you? Are you there? I will come over and meet you there!" Later, with Garth & Nora - our oldest friends (since we were teenagers!) in the boat with us on the river, we saw 6 sandhill cranes flying overhead. I have to think it was the 2 groups I saw earlier, now together. Speaking of together, I've put an extra photo of Steve & Garth in the "extras". Tomorrow is Steve's 60th birthday!!!! 

I still say it's all because of the sandhill cranes I'm here again, but we'll see if I can keep uploading blips in some sort of fashion, at least some of the time. I'm enjoying it right now! Thanks for stopping by and huge congrats to my friends, the Blackheath Blippers!  :o) What great fun that was to read about and I felt great pride in knowing them through blipfoto. ❤

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