
By JoolzF

Juvenile swallows at Bordesley Abbey

The ruins of Bordesley Abbey are very close to the Sainsbury's supermarket at Redditch, but in all the twelve years we have regularly shopped there we have never paid it a visit. Today we decided it was time to to put that right and hopefully find a good blip there.

As we approached, on yet another dull cloudy day, it didn't look all that hopeful but it turned out to be an excellent wildlife location.

First we disturbed a heron which had been standing right beside the abbey church. I expect it had been attracted by a large pond which shouldn't be there at all but has accumulated due to the huge rainfall of recent months. It has almost turned it into a moated abbey.

Then we noticed these two juvenile swallows perched on a wire fence. They were remarkably relaxed and allowed me to creep closer and closer. The parents were flying around making alarm calls, trying to warn them that I might be dangerous, but they weren't bothered until I got within six feet of them.

I took so many photos of them it was difficult to select just one for a blip. If you want to see some more you can go here.

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