A picture paints a thousand words.

It was the usual  Sunday scenario, with J going out on the motorbike, and me going for a walk. I was freezing when I set out, but soon warmed up. I decided to walk to town, and as always ,this shop window had an amazing display. I was wondering if any of the photos were of the owner, and maybe her Mum. The lady who owns the shop, is a really lovely person, and I think her displays  are so very artistic.  While I was walking home, J phoned to say that none of his biker buddies had turned up, so he was coming home early. As soon as I walked down our drive, he arrived  home. After he had taken off all his bike gear,  believe me, this takes some time  we walked down to our daughters house, to feed the rabbit, and bring their car to our house, as J has to go and meet them tonight. We are going to have a roast chicken dinner later, but we won't be having any wine, as J will be driving tonight. I know that I could, but we only drink together.Hope all the Mum's out there have had a good day.

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