It Never Ends ...

Another day at sea.  Once again, our Captain informed us that the gastro-intestinal virus that has been plaguing us ever since Peru is back.  Once again, the poor crew is in ubersanitation mode, having to spray disinfectants on everything we touch, etc.  Here is a thrilling picture of the now overly familiar buckets filled with various germ fighting solutions which can be seen everywhere you turn on board.  Sigh.

Perhaps one reason this bug is still around is the amazing lack of awareness sometimes shockingly displayed.  This afternoon, as I was serving myself salad from the lunch buffet, I noticed that some careless twit had dropped some tongs handle first into the vat of Italian dressing.  When I pointed them out to one of the kitchen staff, he just fished them out, and left the dressing for some poor unsuspecting soul to serve to themselves!  I asked that the dressing be discarded and a fresh batch brought out ... the mind simply boggles.

Another amusing incident in the same location:  A gentleman with a very heavy Glaswegian accent asked me if I could understand anything our (Italian) Captain had said in her noon time announcement.  Apparently he couldn't fathom a word she said!  Ha!  Ha!!!!

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