Wheels and wings

My first ever mothers day... it sort of passed by a bit unnoticed in our house...  I did get a card in the week from little un which I helped her make at playgroup, so I do have a lovely momento to keep... but the main news from today is that I managed to do a deal and get Little un a scooter... So the thing I will be remember most is the look of delight when I handed it over... 

She has taken a shine to the Mini Micro Scooters that belong to a couple of friends, and since trying them out, she is desperate to have a go every time she sees one... even when they are outside other people's homes !..  To avoid her getting arrested for theft, I had a look at buying a new one and nearly fell off my chair when I saw the price... so since then I've been avidly searching Ebay and Gumtree, and this morning first thing I headed off to close a deal and to pick up a lovely new helmet to go with it... 

She was so chuffed,  and although toddlers don't generally say thank you (unprompted) her reaction was enough... 

So call me over protective, but I thought the best way for her to start scooting was to stick her in a padded suit and a helmet and take her to a disused airfield... National Museum of Flight fitted the bill perfectly... outdoor spaces,  a bit of cake, oh and we also took her onto Concorde as well :-) 

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