
It was lovely to see Catherine last night at her 40th birthday party, it was great to catch up with people I haven't seen for a long time but....I wasn't comfortable there. There were two people there who I couldn't stand to be in the same room with, one especially who is a bully and basically a nasty piece of work. After everything she has done she even had the brassed nerve to tap me on the shoulder as I was talking to Sian, I turned and got a shock as she said, "How are you doing?" I don't like confrontation and even though I wanted to tell her to Go Away, or words to that effect (I really needed my 'foul mouth swearing coat'), I just said, "Fine," then turned back to Sian. How dare she talk to me as if she's not treated me shabbily, acting like a compassionate person......Grrrrrrrrrr. I'll stop now. Anyway....I left early.

Today....I went with a friend to Cheshire Oaks. We had a jolly good mooch around and she bought lots of bargains. I did chortle to myself as I watched this man in the bra shop....he was waiting for his partner and obviously felt a right tit standing amongst all the bras. He didn't know where to look or what to do with his hands (as he was trying to look nonchalant he picked up a red bra, suddenly realised what he had in his hand and shoved it back whilst going even redder in his face), so he got out his phone and studied it for nearly fifteen minutes. My friend was trying bras on and I was entertained by Mr Uncomfortable lol.

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