Steampunk Blipmeet

My day was a bit like buses.....nothing in the diary and then invites right left and centre, all for today. Lupes had invited me over to the Dark Side to a a Steampunk event at Bradford Industrial Museum. I'd said yesterday that I couldn't fit it in , but when I woke up this morning I thought, hey ho, just go for it. So I raced around, got ready and then whizzed up the motorway. I'm so glad I made the effort, we had a great time.

There were so many wonderful costumes...and next time I shall be in one because I bought a skirt and a corset. I was laced and studded into one and it was gorgeous...well how could I resist!

Anyway, I have had to choose a photo quickly because I raced home and met up with the coven and now I'm trying to type with wet painted nails because I'm off out to a party shortly! There is no rest for the wicked...and I am really wicked!! he he. 

I will add more later...and links to all the other lovely blippers....but for now it is ta ta as I need to make myself beautiful (and that takes time and skill)

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