The Climbing Tree

A day of sunshine and showers. Managed to get the grass cut - hurrah! The tribe of pygmies living in there are now homeless :)

Into St A's to get postcards and a battery for my watch. I have been lost without it. I need to know the time ALWAYS. A deluge flooded from the sky so it was a quick nip in and out

This afternoon we headed up the big hill by a very circuitous route which took us 3 hours in total, including a wine stop.

We came down via the other side of the hill near to where I used to live and passed by the climbing tree. This was the tree which we always took the kids to for some climbing. Looking lovely dappled in the sunshine. Young Jake thought the bears lived near here when he was younger :)

Look large and you can see the swing.

Home now and a lovely curry in our tums and time for that Saturday evening cava. The sun is still shining!!!

Enjoy your Saturday blippers x

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