We had a lovely blip meet this morning to meet & greet English blippers, Mr & Mrs "Tryard". Then Granny suggested we have a blip photo taken in front of THE TREE. Their mouths fell open when I told them, after 29.5 years, I'd never seen THE TREE. You have to remember all my blips are taken in my garden. All 500 odd of them.

Arriving home, I was delighted to see Henrietta shuffling over the lawn to meet me. As I opened the door, she gave me the beady eye, as if to say, where are the pellets, so I threw her a handful. Meanwhile, Tussock of T. T. has suggested in the realms of fairy tales, she falls in love with Tussock, & he will protect her. Nice one T......I will give it some thought........Back to reality (!) Bunty suggested I put some pellets in the garden shed & then close the door. Well tonight Hetty bi-passed the garden shed, & walked round my house, even leaving her calling card in the laundry. But the wicker laundry basket was much to uncomfortable for nocturnal sleep. I tried Bunty's trick in the garage........it worked.......I shut the door.......& hey presto the last I saw of Hetty, she was trying to make herself comfortable on the top of an old fridge there.
Dear Technophobe said Bonkers; I have to agree, but surely you have heard of second childhood ? They haven't locked me up .........YET !

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