Melissa Moth

I'm going to admit that I am enamored with the hummer moth. Perhaps it is because I can't attract the real hummers to my yard, or that I am just easily enamored.

The first one I ever saw was in Jackson, Wyoming. (Not Jackson Hole! Jackson Hole is the entire area!). I was pumped to think it was a hummingbird... only to get closer, and see it didn't have the shape for a hummer. I snapped away with my Minolta x700 film camera. Weeks later I got back my pictures...looked at an encyclopedia (remember those?)...and decided it was a moth.

They forever fly, flit, and flutter between flowers...making it a focus fiasco. "NOT SO FAST!"...I tell the flying, flittering, fluttering flowerjumpers..."I'M HAVING FOCUSING FISSUES!" I'm so flustered and fatigued from fiddling with the focus...that I can't fink straight.I tire of fidgeting and fighting with the focus in the field, and finally find my way home. Frustrating!

On my flickr page...I put on a couple of creatures who are struggling with the heat. 94 as I type.

Have a fine, fruitful, fun weekend. No fretting allowed.

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