Tiny Tuesday .....

 ........ 41 (TT41)

Not really tiny but it is a close-up of tonight's wine.

I am, as you can tell, no wine snob - I like what I like and I don't care if it's not fancy, not expensive, not the "preferred" vintage - as far as I am concerned it should taste good!
This white Merlot tastes very good (to me).    Our local "not very nice" landlord said, when I mentioned it, - "there is no such thing as f****** white Merlot"  
Let me show you a bottle next time I can be bothered to walk across your doorstep!  (not that I was cross or anything - much - lol).

So I did - "Oh" he says "you didn't say it was supermarket crap

Hmmmmmm - I refrained from saying 'not as crap as the pub that you now run that is just awful!!!!'

Any hoooooooooooo - I want to keep on using exclamation marks (and question marks and dots .......) despite what they said on the TV yesterday!  I'm a rebel!!!!!  
 I am!!!!!! 

(and I also think that punctuation is important - I mean, think about it,
if I write    "We're going to eat, Grandma" or if I write  "We're going to eat Grandma" it's a whole different thing!)

I'll leave it there and get off my soapbox.

~ Anni ~

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