Definitely Visible

By allieballie

Let Them Read Cake

Jane at work has challenged me to post something on Facebook every day in March that is positive and cheery to welcome in the Spring. Today Michelle bought cakes in to work as a Friday treat so I took a photo of mine (a coffee choux bun) to use as my happy FB post and Jane asked me to take a photo of hers too. However her chocolate eclair didn't turn out (I am having intermittent issues with my phone photos - sometimes they show on the camera roll as a little icon but then when I try to open it up they are blank). I was driving home wondering how to tell her that she would have to find something else for her own happy FB post today, when I had an idea. I could draw an eclair for her! Then I had another thought. Jane is a voracious reader so I thought I could draw her an eclair of books!

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