twinned with trumpton


After what seems like an eternity, a day at home, alone.

An hour of wwilfing and then onto work at 7; a pile of stuff to write up from yesterday, mostly. Thursday was mostly already done.

And so on I plodded, until lunchtime when I sped up to Lidl for chorizo, bananas and apples (Have you not seen that episode of Ready, Steady, Cook...?) and then sped back to new neighbour along the street. She was thrilled with her new palace and rightly so. Not too bad. And - seals basking in the harbour as we gazed out to sea.  Don't remember seeing that on the schedule.
Then after a coffee (EH5 doesn't do latte yet....) back to the day job and irate e mails from people who think the law doesn't apply to them. 

Then school run with a detour and finally home to cook their requested bangers 'n; mash.

Homework was done with good humour (I neglected to do mine - oops!)

And a quiet evening on the sofa beckons... 

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