twinned with trumpton


Long day; out of fiscal necessity. After an OT drought, it's back and whilst the sun shines, there is hay to be made.

In before 0730, home at 1730 but still working until 2000....

Mostly pointless and unnecessary phone calls in the morning, an airy wander at lunch and a productive afternoon, mostly.

Highlight was getting some mountaineering planning done;  after the Black Hill warm up yesterday, there's a mood to harness the momentum/ Hopefully there's a Munro on Sunday even if it is a repeat for me. Hills soothe me and a hill jaunt will be most welcome.

Loved dinner; tabbouleh type thing. Cous cous cucumber coriander spring onions tomatos lime jouce, balsamic vinegar and topped with a couple of turkey / chorizo / pepper burger-y things.

Another long day tomorrow; but at least from home, so no travel so an hour gained.

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