Blues in G
While the heating engineer is in the house the piano is protected under a soft sheet, a duvet, and an old big duvet cover over the whole thing. It is just such a tempting surface to put tools on. But as you can see, that doesn't stop MrB playing. I've put this in black and white to spare you from the unremitting brownness of the scene.
Today the chauffagiste installed the tubing to take hot air from the downstairs stoves to the kids bedroom. Regrettably the effect is as though a warm person is standing in the room and, well, breathing. Hopefully I just need to tweak a paremeter or two to make our mahoosive investment worthwhile... (An Italian speaking lurker may wish to take this as advance notice of a cry for help...)
In other news, TallGirl was riding after a big pause for the holidays, and we persuaded them to let A from Cadiz try riding on Saturday.
Tomorrow I will mostly be building IKEA furniture. And vacuuming.
Backblips have been caught up on.
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