
By cowgirl

Does my belly look big like this?

Yes, Kari, it does! Poor little foal inside getting shaken about like that too!

The first of two belated Mother's Day meals tonight. Half an hour before I finished work we got news that there was a problem with the water in some areas and there was a Do Not Use order on it. Mmm, so how am I supposed to wash the smell of horses off me and out of my hair then?! Luckily, mum's water was ok, so we shot off over there earlier than planned so's I could shower. Then we were off to collect Sav's mum and meet my brother at the pub where we'd booked a table.

Half an hour late, but well worth waiting for! Great food as always and just to be on the safe side, I stuck to g and t's, rather than risk the water!!

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