Rags of light

By CarolG1

Now is the winter...

An emergency blip today. I was due to go and see a friend perform in something called Whispering Woods this evening. Ten choirs in an arboretum singing at dusk with lanterns and candles. Would have been atmospheric and photogenic.

So guess what? It was rained off. Instead I sat in and started reading Shakespeare's Richard III. I'm going to see it at the Globe theatre in a week or so and don't know the play at all.

Just as well, because it's very complicated! I was struggling to understand the politics of it all so resorted to the Internet. Apparently it's rarely performed unabridged as there are so many characters. Here's a blip of Richard, or Dick Dastardly as I now think of him. Mark Rylance will be in the central role and I know will be splendidly villainous.

The play starts with the famous line 'now is the Winter of our discontent'. A good description of a rainy July...

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