
By DawnAgain

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Mr DawnAgain and I set out in the fog this morning to walk the dogs. We saw various people we (mostly I) knew and stopped for several chats, including with Annabelle and Basil Junior. When we got back to the car I persuaded Mr DawnAgain to take a detour to see the Belties in their field around the corner. I knew their calves were due this month and was pleasantly surprised to see that several of them have already arrived, one of which is tiny and must be very new. I couldn't get close enough to get a decent picture today but will definitely be trying again soon - and they'll be back on the common in the near future, I expect, which will make it a bit easier. Anyway, on the way back we passed a field of (?polo) horses and one of them was having a jolly good roll. And who can blame him on such a (by then) beautiful, sunny spring morning?

This afternoon I've been researching more Hampshire skeletons while Mr DawnAgain has been to watch Bognor FC play with Son2 and some friends. This evening I'm looking forward to watching the final two episodes of Trapped and finding out whodunnit.

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