
By tookie

Zillions of Rainbow Drops....

as the downpour in western Washington state continues...our backyard is a muddy pool and our daffodils are pounded to the ground or drooping.  At least a good excuse for me to rescue many of them to make indoor bouquets!   R is taking the hooligans out in the rain and then a bath ...Our front yard is bursting with rain soaked blooms....forsythia, camellias, lilacs budding, daffys, tete a tete daffs...etc.   All very nice to perk you up on these gloomy days..
   Instant update...all of a sudden the sun popped out and the skies became blue:)  Yay

    Both R and I thank you for your support and concerns in regards to his Dad and Pa.'s still all so iffy a situation back there...he is in touch with his mom and monitoring what he can from here for now.

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