
Now I'm back in the house, working from home - as I did this afternoon - has become far more enjoyable, not least for the view from the back of the house, which I can enjoy while I wait for the kettle to boil. (That's Ingleborough, in the distance, still covered in snow from a few days ago.)

It's funny but I've always struggled with concentration and procrastination, and that's more evident when I'm working from home. I suspect the two failings go hand in hand to some extent. I was quite relieved when, many years ago, I took the Myers Briggs test and found that it's my personality type that means I stop procrastinating and focus better as deadlines approach.

But then I realised that whilst knowing that might be a relief, it doesn't change matters. I've read a bit around procrastination over the years and how to tackle it and, actually, the solutions with that have helped with the concentration, too, and that's because, ultimately, I just need to get started; once I'm into a piece of work my concentration is just fine. As ever, making a list is the starting point for me and then breaking down tasks. (I've just realised I've written about this recently but, hey, it is a big deal for me!)

Anyway, all that aside, at four o'clock Hannelie arrived and we went over to school with Dan for his subject review (what used to be parents' evening but is now far more civilised and less of a free for all). It was great to hear how well he's doing but also wonderfully rewarding to see how relaxed and confident he is around his teachers and how fond they clearly are of him.

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