
I had a marketing meeting in Coppull, this morning, (at Nellie and Marls: excellent poached eggs on toast) and then headed across to Southport for a meeting with a sort of new client. I think the satnav's preference would have been to take me north from Coppull but the car was facing the wrong way and by the time the satnav had sorted itself out, I was on a far more interesting route, through Newburgh and Burscough.

I've never driven this was before and, for the north-west, it's astoundingly flat. It was like driving through East Anglia. (I'm definitely going to come and do this drive again with the Minx.) I stopped and took this shot to try and capture how very flat it all was.

After the meeting - which went well, thanks for asking - I headed back home to meet up with Simon. Over the weekend, we're going to try and compose some music for a short film he's doing but we started off this evening with a couple of beers at the Royal Barn and a curry.


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