Life In Wales

By KarenC

West Pier

I had a good journey this morning - I left Rachel's at 8am and was home for 12.15pm.  Sadly the baby didn't make an appearance while I was there, so my bag will remain packed and I'll head back as soon as there's any news.

It's been a gorgeous day, so we drove to the marina and then walked for a couple of miles along the beach and had lunch sat outside Al Fresco, just beyond West Pier.  There were reports a couple of days ago of a sighting of a dolphin playing around the pier, and we were lucky enough to see it today.  I spotted it out of the corner of my eye but thought I was imagining things and when I told Alan he said he thought he'd seen it too.  

After lunch we walked down onto the beach and there were lots of boats sailing very slowly in the are around the pier and lots of people were stood watching the activity.  I noticed a guy with a DSLR sat on the beach looking at his images, so I zoomed into his camera and you can just about make out his shot of the dolphin jumping out of the water - I've added this to my extras.

It really felt like spring today, and as we strolled back to the marina, it was quite hazy and the light was quite mysterious shining on the sea.

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